I can tell you my skills all day long, but it won’t hold a candle to some concrete examples of the work I’ve done.
I have three years of experience in web development, and in those three years I’ve worked on more than a hundred websites from everything from minor maintenance to full on development. Unfortunately, a large number of those fall under Non-Disclosure Agreements, for the moment, and so cannot be discussed in detail.
However, I do have a selection of a few projects I have worked on in the past few months that fall under no such agreement.
Ehardt Insurance

Erhardt was a pretty standard web development project. Another developer handled the banners at the top of the pages, and I did the development of the rest according to the design given.
In addition to the basic development work, I did the responsive styling for mobile users, optimized the website, and installed the free version of WordFence to ensure that the website would have brute-force and exploit protection after being handed off to the client.

Mash Motor Co

I was brought in for the second revision of this website, so while I did touch a lot of features I am not responsible for the core of the development.
I did some basic restyling to fit the new design and touched up the responsive styling of the website. Additionally, the client requested the menu slide in from the right side of the screen. The theme he was using did not currently support that feature, so I custom wrote him some new CSS and JavaScript to add that feature to the menu.
The client also wanted a spruced up customization widget to really sell potential customers on what their car would look like when it was complete. The previous implementation was performing poorly on the transition between colors, so I ripped it out and rewrote it entirely. While I was there, I also fully integrated this widget with the pre-order form, so that the customer’s color and model choice would be auto-filled for them.

Sandi Meisse Team

URL: https://www.sandimeisseteam.com/
This is another website that I was brought into for the second revision. Much like Mash Motor Co, this means I was mostly revising the work of another developer, but the work that I did do encompassed a number of integrations directly with their MLS system.
Sandi Meisse Team had already paid for an MLS integration, but what they had purchased was missing a number of features from their design. Using the code already present in the integration, and the data in the website database I created a number of custom features for them.
The search on the homepage is a custom form that integrates with the existing MLS search processor, and supports several search parameters that were not supported by the included form.
The property widgets on the homepage are entirely custom, using database entries to list the most recent and featured properties. Fun note, the little star banner is done entirely in CSS so that custom images would not need to be uploaded.
The list of towns on the homepage is actually drawn from the towns where Sandi Meisse Team has properties listed, and will dynamically style itself to try to balance out the number of towns listed in an aesthetically pleasing way.

Tepsi Print

For Tepsi Print, I was the primary developer from the beginning. Much of the content was recycled from the last site Tepsbest.com, but all of the development work was new.
The website went through two major revisions while I was working with the company, both of which I was the primary developer on. The development included custom widgets, styles, and extensions of the underlying functionality of the theme they were utilizing.
Notable work includes, a highly performant canvas based parallax solution to add “movement” to pages without slowing down page speeds, a WooCommerce integration and customization that had not only custom styling but custom functionality and integration with a product customization plugin.
In addition to that I did all my normal optimization and security work.


URL: https://garlicrestaurantbar.com/ (Please note, the website has been significantly modified since my work was completed, such is the way of the internet)
I stepped in to assist another developer with a tough deadline to get this website done. The primary work I did was on the menu page, which for the moment can still be reached at: https://garlicrestaurantbar.com/menu
SEO Helper

While I was working these last few months, I noticed that another developer involved with these projects was spending a great deal of time waiting for administration pages to load so that he could do the SEO work he was tasked to. In an effort to speed that up, I made this plugin to extend his SEO plugin of choice, Yoast.
This plugin simple took most of the page loads out of the equation by allowing him to export a CSV of all of the SEO on the website, make his changes right in the CSV, and then reupload the sheet to apply the changes.
Once I had that functionality up and running, I decided to expand the plugin to tackle another SEO problem we had: blog authors who didn’t understand the web development centric aspects of SEO. The would regularly write content that was too short, included too few images to keep session times longer, or images that were laughably large (as in in the 20MB range of size). To this end, I added a little content rating to the plugin to help steer these authors in the right direction.


Vogon is something of a weird project for me. The project itself, as it is published on GitHub, is just a lightweight framework originally developed for integration with the Old School Runescape API, but I’ve continued to adapt it and develop in it in the years since.
Currently, it runs non-google analytics for my various web properties, and is functioning as a bare bones CRM and Project management solution. It’s not the prettiest project I’ve ever worked on, but it is an example of a project I’ve built entirely from scratch.
See your website here and don’t like it?
I’ve done my best to represent the work I’ve done on the above websites truthfully and in a way that reflects well on the businesses associated with them, but if you own the website in question and you take issue with me using screenshots to illustrate the work I did, please fill out the form below and let me know. If you prove ownership, I will happily remove the offending image(s).