It’s been a while since I’ve written a post for the website. I’ve been keeping it updated on the backend (much to the chagrin of those who have been attempting to break in), but I’ve mostly been radio silent.
Most of that has been thanks to a steady freelance contract that I picked up in October and have been working since. I’ve got a Wix to WordPress import blog post in me that I need to finish editing that should be pretty interesting, but I wanted to do a couple of small updates on my personal projects here as kind of a “I’m Still Alive, I Promise!” style post.
First, Vogon and Vogon Media Server now have icons:
I’m no graphic designer, but it’s nice that they have some visual identity to them. Speaking of Vogon Media Server, I still use it everyday so it’s been getting regular updates. The most recent was a reworking of the audio visualization code to allow rotating colors and a better sampling of the audio data. I’ve also been working on a BASH script to install VMS on a clean Debian based Linux install. The script configures everything for you so you can just upload your media and go. It’s still nowhere near production, but having the installation process solved is a big weight off my shoulders.
Dungeon Master Tools has been updated several times without accompanying blog posts, but the biggest news is that I received permission to serve copyrighted tilesets with the application (they’re encrypted on my server) meaning the tools can create more colorful and visually interesting maps. It’s been really useful for my current campaign group.
I’ve updated my SEO helper with a number of new features to help speed up large scale SEO reworks and things like URL changes that WordPress core doesn’t handle very well out of the box.
And I’m working on an adaptation of Vogon to be a fully featured and secure CMS. My goal is eventually to import this entire site into it, so when you see a large redesign know that Vogon might just be beating at the heart of it.